Friday, November 11, 2011

My 1st Scrapcard Experience

As I google for alternative things to do, I found something that needs really creativity and talent. Scrapcard is a kind of hobby that makes you meditate. Cards, colors, figures and lots of things to do.

You can even tell a story or create different characters on your cards..

AnneMarie & Merit and Nicole are the ones that I follow. They are really creative girls and do great job.

Here are examples from them and also my 1st scrapcard experience. I'm really excited and want to do more. More? Coming up soon:)


Scrapcard Girls - Annemarie&Merit

Nicole's Stamp Addiction - Nicole
For my first scrapcard as I don't know how to start I just made an outline to see what it will look like. Then I put my stickers on the card and here it is:) My card with "Teatime" theme.

My 1st ScrapCard

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thanksgiving Day

Bringing the hall family together, friends, the ones we love...

A big table with different tastes but one always the same...A big, delicious and mouthwatering turkey...Smells coming form the oven invites everyone to table...If you can't wait for more take a look at the pictures above and visit the links for receipes.

I also add some pics for table decorating. Great centerpieces keeping the table warm and colorfull. Enjoy it.

Nice Centerpieces

Table decorating ideas from Martha Stewart
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